[019] Cultivate a Healthier Insurance Lead Gen Funnel, with Katie Feeney from Active Prospect

Episode 19 September 08, 2021 00:33:50
[019] Cultivate a Healthier Insurance Lead Gen Funnel, with Katie Feeney from Active Prospect
Scalable Call Center Sales
[019] Cultivate a Healthier Insurance Lead Gen Funnel, with Katie Feeney from Active Prospect

Sep 08 2021 | 00:33:50


Show Notes

What are the medicare health insurance verticals? What specifically are they focusing on or having to deal with?

In this episode, Katie Feeney from Active Prospect and I discuss her role as Sales Director, as well as her expertise and skill in the health, medicare, and life insurance verticals.

Active Prospect is organized into lines of business, and each sales director learns about the major players in the industry before customizing how they implement the solution to their client’s challenges.

Learn more about the verticals of health, medical, and life space. Create a more healthy insurance lead generation funnel!

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Katie‘s Bio
Katie Feeney is an ActiveProspect Sales Director focused on our Health, Medicare, and Life Insurance verticals. Prior to coming to ActiveProspect, Katie worked in the lead generation space at a Marketing technology company that was later acquired. After the acquisition, Katie managed the traffic flow of data leads and calls into their internal Medicare agency.

Katie’s Links

Jason: Hey, what’s going on, everybody. Welcome to another special guest episode of the scalable call center sales podcast. My name again is Jason cutter, and I’m so excited that you’re here and joining me. My special guest today is Katie Feeney from active prospect.

[00:00:15] So Katie is a sales director with active prospects. And her focus and expertise, which is going to make for an interesting conversation. I know is she focuses on health, Medicare, and life insurance verticals within what active prospect does. And prior to being with active prospect, she was in the lead generation space.

[00:00:36] Most recently managing the traffic flow of data leads and calls into that. Company’s internal medication. Agencies. So she has a lot of experience in these verticals. And she’s here to talk about the company, the industry, where it’s going, where it’s been Katie, welcome to the scalable call center sales.


Katie: Thank you, Jason. Happy to be here.


Jason: So first off in case people aren’t familiar with active prospect, just so they know the company itself is not generating leads. So it’s always interesting when I have these conversations with somebody who’s focused on a vertical because. The company isn’t generating those leads, but instead is helping to ensure opt-in compliance of leads that are being generated.

[00:01:18] And then you have your specific vertical within that. So how does that work? You know, talk a little bit about what the active prospect side does and then how that fits into your vertical focus.


Katie: Yeah, sure. It’s funny you say that, you know, we don’t generate any leads or traffic cause I still get, you know, LinkedIn messages and outreach from buyers in the health, Medicare, and Lifespace thinking we do.

[00:01:40] Um, so it is a common misconception because we’re so involved in the industry and have a lot of connections in the industry. That, um, sometimes customers think that we are actually generating data leads or calls. Um, but that’s not the case. So at active prospect, our key focus is what we call consent based marketing.

[00:01:58] So we’re trying to help our buyers purchase data leads or consumers who have consented to be contacted and are interested in the product that you’re selling. That’s great for everyone, you know, it’s good for the vendors because they’re providing you with the correct consumers that match. Demographic, and then it’s good from a compliance perspective as well.

[00:02:19] So we are not the lead generators. We are not the buyers we sit in between, which puts us in a really unique place in the industry. And I am fortunate to be able to make a ton of introductions between vendors and buyers in the health, Medicare, and Lifespace so. We’re always happy to, you know, work with our clients to get them in contact with additional publisher or some buyers for their overflow.

[00:02:44] Um, you know, we, we get to learn the accounts through our use case and try to help make connections.


Jason: So if active prospect doesn’t generate leads, right? Like you’ve said. And I said, because again, I, for the longest time, I thought as well that you know, that the company did that. So if that’s the case, then where does that fit in with your vertical focus and expertise?


Katie: Yeah, sure. No, that’s a good question. So, um, our sales team, we divided up by vertical just to have a better knowledge around what’s going on, you know, in that space. Cause our solutions trusted form our platform. It can be used across all industries. So we have people in insurance, solar, you know, direct to consumer, you know, you name it.

[00:03:28] We’re probably working with a company there. So dividing by vertical allows, you know, each of the sales directors, in my case with health, Medicare, and life. Start to know the industry, to learn the big players in the space, see what they’re doing, and then customize how we implement our solution to the problems they’re having.

[00:03:45] Because, you know, I’ll tell you the problems my clients are facing in health, Medicare in life. Isn’t the same thing that they’re facing in mortgage. So, you know, being able to divide like that really helps us understand the use case.


Jason: Well, so that’s a perfect segue into what I’m fascinated by in this conversation.

[00:04:03] And then with the other people who are vertical, specific within active prospect, uh, that I’m going to have on the show as well, is what are those challenges within this and, or what’s different about their challenges from other challenges like in compassion?


Katie: Yeah, no, that’s a great question. And it does vary client to client, what challenges they’re facing.

[00:04:26] But one of the common things I see over and over again is with compliance and TCPA regulation and some of the state regulations that we’re starting to see. Uh, it’s tough for people who haven’t been in a spot where they’ve had a litigation issue to think, why do I need that protection? And what can trust, where can trusted form add value to my organization?

[00:04:48] So I think a lot of people are well-known they understand that trusted form is there, um, for the compliance piece, but the piece that I’m have a lot of fun explaining. Yeah. Getting deeper into is the value that trusted form can add through our data insights. So do you know about our data insights?


Jason: Jason?

[00:05:05] I feel like I might, but definitely not as well as I probably should if I work there, so. Okay. Yeah. Explain the data insight.


Katie: Yeah. So the trusted, warm, you know, you’re getting that documented express written consent for your compliance. We’re storing that video replay for you and you have a certificate of authenticity.

[00:05:24] But since the trust form script lives on so many sites and health, Medicare, and life onto brag about my vertical, but I think we have the highest adoption, you know, with so many of the vendor sites out there and the, you know, the forums consumers are going through have that script on the site. When that script is present, we can collect first party.

[00:05:43] Some people refer to it as zero parties. I don’t know actually, which it would be, but data from that consumer filling out the form. So this is things like time on page. So how long did it take that consumer to fill out the form? The website of origin of the form they filled out. Um, lead age. So the time from when the consumer hits submit to when a buyer is receiving that lead, um, and there’s over 20, you know, data insights, but I always love to package it that not only is trusted form there for the compliance protection.

[00:06:15] You’re also getting this added value with data that can give you a lot of insight into that consumer.


Jason: Okay. So there’s the insight there. And then what are you seeing companies being able to do with that info? Because info by itself is neutral. So what have you seen companies being able to do? Or what kind of insights are they getting?

[00:06:38] Those data points.


Katie: Definitely. I think one of the biggest ones that I see and it’s benefiting both my vendor partners and my buyers is that website of origin. So with the data field website of origin, you’re seeing the domain where the consumer filled out the form. Most people in the lead gen space have experienced.

[00:06:54] You might be working with one vendor, but you’re getting 20 traffic from 20 plus domains from them. And if that wasn’t working for the buyer, They’d shut them off. Oh, I’m not going to work with partner X. I turned all their traffic off. I couldn’t get the CPA I needed on those leads. Well, now you can take it a step further and say, you know what, they’re sending me traffic from 20 domains.

[00:07:16] I’m actually converting great on 10. It’s just the other tenant. Isn’t working for my sales team for whatever reason. And then you can go ahead and filter on that through our lead conduit platform, without just taking the volume cut and ending ties with that part.


Jason: Got it. It’s very similar to what I did on the next one higher level up when I’ve worked with organizations where it’s breaking down the effectiveness of all their various lead sources, inbound and outbound to determine what it is instead of like, oh, we just have a lead problem or a marketing problem.

[00:07:48] We’re not closing enough deals. Well, maybe you are over here, but just not over there. And instead of throwing out everything or not understand. Exactly where the issue might be is being more specific and cutting out or optimizing one over the other. So I think that’s great how, um,


Katie: I’ve seen some of our partners take it another step further and look at it by agent or agent team and see one agent can convert from this site, you know, at 20% and another agent, you know, it’s just not the right traffic that for them, they’ve been able to distribute leads based on which agents can convert from which.

[00:08:24] So that’s really cool. We’ll use that.


Jason: And that’s what I’ve always built at the agent level with the various campaigns. Like some are better at Facebook. Some are better at direct mail or whatever that might be, and then optimizing them for those traffic sources. And that’s cool to think that you can do that.

[00:08:41] The landing page, form source level within that from even a publisher supplier on that side.


Katie: Yeah. And I love seeing people use that domain as well to customize their script. So if they’re having phoners dial on the leads, instead of just saying, you know, hi, you’ve reached Katie’s Medicare agency, I can say hi.

[00:09:00] I saw you filled out a form on Jason’s landing page, www you know, and I’m here to help you.


Jason: Yeah, I love it. And how open are the publishers side to sharing that information? So that there’s that transparency. I mean, you never get pushed back where people are like, no, I don’t want people to know. Where the data’s coming from.


Katie: Not typically, I mean, so most publishers who are doing it right, and don’t have anything tied are typically find fine with it. If they choose to put the script on their page, that information is being collected. So they’re opting into sharing that information by putting the script on their page.


Jason: Yeah, so you’re getting it anyway.

[00:09:39] So let’s go back to the specific things for the industry. Is there any challenges, cause you said there’s, you have different challenges with your clients or with those verticals than other ones you referenced, you know, versus mortgage. What is the Medicare health insurance verticals? Like what specifically are they focusing on or having to do.


Katie: Yeah, I think out of all the verticals, Medicare insurance in general, I think is extremely advanced in how they’re buying data leads. So, you know, with some other verticals they’re still on email files or just purchasing. A Google sheet is, you know, not as advanced as health, Medicare in life. I see a lot of my clients are familiar with the pink posts or buying on a direct post, automating their flow and their distribution.

[00:10:28] I think the issue that I see from a lot of my clients is when they’re buying on a pink post. They’re not able to buy the lead. They’re getting outbid on the leads that are a fit for them. So they’re kind of looking to take that next step saying how can I use, you know, active prospect or other solutions in the industry to give me a leg up and how can I improve the data on bias?

[00:10:50] You know, with these data points to take a step further and not get stuck at the post reject level, because post rejects is a big issue in the industry. It’s not great for vendors because they’re spending money and getting that right. Post rejected back to them. And you know, it’s not great for buyers either because they don’t want to be in control of that personal PII of a consumer that they’re not purchasing.

[00:11:12] So I think post


Jason: next, so what’s a post rejec. Exactly.


Katie: Yes. When you’re buying leads on a pink post, I always say the ping is a sneak preview. You’re getting eight to 10 data fields that don’t give you the PII of the consumer. But you’re getting things like zip code phone last for, you know, maybe date of birth or year of birth, things like that that can allow you to decide, do I want to bid on this lead?

[00:11:39] Do I not want to return a bid? If you do return a bid and you win the lead and auction, the full lead information, everything collected on the lead form is then posted to you. And at that time you will see. The full information. And sometimes if that full information doesn’t line up, for whatever reason, you see people post reject that lead.


Jason: Okay. And so now they have the BI. Now they’re responsible for storing or making sure that nothing happens to that. And then they’re just returning this lead, essentially


Katie: that they essentially. Exactly. You’re returning it in real time. And you know, it’s to vendors. It’s tough because now they have to go back.

[00:12:17] If there’s a delay there, even though it’s in real time, you know, the seconds are adding up. They hopefully want to try to post it to that next bitter in line. And then. Sometimes security issues, depending on what systems a buyer’s using to say, are you really getting rid of that information when you return it?

[00:12:35] Or is it housed in your system? How do we know you’re not dialing it when you post


Jason: reject it? Yeah, obviously that’s a big issue that trust factor of you didn’t want this lead in you return. But did you return it and then also dial on it or try to sell them and contact them. And that’s interesting what you’re saying too, about what you see in your verticals is essentially either more advanced or companies that are more aware of the competition.

[00:13:03] And so they’re wanting to use whatever advantages are put in technology and systems to help with that advantage. Where do you see the industry going? Let’s say the rest of 20, 21 into 20, 22 either. What do you see for the industry or what challenges do you see coming?


Katie: Yeah. I think one of the things active prospect sees and is trying to help with is that issue of the post reject.

[00:13:29] So, um, being a third-party that sits between vendors and buyers, we are trying to, you know, we’re a few iterations away from it, but eventually be able to take it. PII from a vendor on the ping and, you know, base build out the, through our platform, our buyer’s needs and control whether or not they bid on the full information while keeping it secure for both parties and then returning that bid.

[00:13:57] So that way we’re cutting out that post reject issue and, um, really not giving the buyer access to the PII until they win the lead and protecting that information for the vendors. So we’re hoping to be. A secure third party that can facilitate that PII getting passed and really eliminate post region.


Jason: I’m just thinking, like, it’s not a fun topic to think about, which is the compliance consent based marketing, all the rules that are changing, all the legislation that’s coming up and is constantly swirling around. It’s not a fun, happy conversation. Right. But I think it’s necessary. And it’s, you know, one of the things that you guys help with and, and obviously in your space when you’re dealing with a lot of PII and you have to be careful that as well, What’s like the biggest threat or the biggest thing that you’re just warning companies about that maybe they don’t listen to you enough.

[00:14:51] Right. Where you’ve talked to prospective company that could be using your platform or that’s currently engaged in, you know, buying leads. Right. So they’re on the buying side and you’re just warning them. Like, what’s the big, scary word. Yeah,


Katie: I think the warning is just that in the space there, a lot of times as a buyer, you’re so many partners removed from that original lead generator.

[00:15:15] So even though if I was the buyer and chose to partner with you, there might actually be six or seven people involved in that actual lead generation. So although. Contracting, you know, with a buyer that I’ve met and I trust and you’ve sent me over your one or two domains and I had my compliance team check them and they look good.

[00:15:35] There’s really so much more that could go on there. Um, which is why it’s important to have, you know, some checks in place on how to control, where you’re getting traffic from. Because if we work together for three years, you know, where we initially agreed the traffic will be coming. Probably isn’t where the traffic’s coming from six months down the road.

[00:15:52] So what, what process can you put in place along with trust form to validate that what you’re getting is what you expect. Hey, it’s Jason


Jason: here. We’ll be right back to the podcast in a moment, but first, are you ready to help your inside sales team close more deals? In my experience, there’s a certain percentage of your team that acts more like order takers than sales professionals.

[00:16:12] The first step to creating a scalable sales team is to equip your reps with the right mind. And proven strategies to transform them into quota breakers, to build a team of authentic persuaders that will crush their goals. Email [email protected] or go to www.Cutterconsultinggroup.com. Now shifting a little bit, cause this is what’s fascinating to me, obviously as a sales consultant and always having been on the buyer side of performance-based mark.

[00:16:41] You have an insight and I don’t know how much you get to see with your clients that are either using you or not using, you know, active prospect is what are you seeing on the sales side? What are you seeing as the challenges? Let’s start with the challenges. What are the challenges that organizations are having?

[00:17:00] So they’re getting leads, right? Maybe enough volume. And then what, what’s the biggest struggle they’ve got on the sales

[00:17:07] side?


Katie: I mean the biggest struggle I would say across the board that I always hear is getting people on the phone. You know, you can’t sell anything if you can’t talk to them or unless you’re online, you know, binding or something like that.

[00:17:19] But for most of these call centers that I’m partnering with, you know, the biggest frustration is trying a new source buying 2000 leads and speak to 10 people. So what can you do to improve your context? It’s the first thing. And I think there’s multiple ways to increase that. Not only from, you know, changing what you buy an auction, but your remarketing strategy.

[00:17:42] Are you SMS thing? Are you emailing? How many times are you calling? How frequently are you calling? And what’s that look like? And then I think taking that a step further and realizing it’s not the same for every lead. Depending on how the lead was generated, what you paid for that lead is going to affect how you’re going to, what treatment you’re going to put that lead through.

[00:18:02] Um, so the biggest frustration we always hear is these leads aren’t converting. I can’t get in contact.


Jason: Interesting. Is there some best practices that you’ve seen, especially in the verticals that you deal with? Um, for those outreach, for the, like, not the specific like vendor tools, but just the strategies that work or the number of calls.

[00:18:23] I mean, I see companies who are calling incessantly when they buy a lead and they’re just grinding that thing into the ground and making it so the person never wants to answer. Is there any best practice that you’ve seen as, you know, this cross section view of. I


Katie: think it’s extremely important to have a multi-channel approach to it calling them 20 times.

[00:18:44] You probably not going to get, you know, a change in result there, but maybe that consumer will respond to an SMS or maybe they’re an avid email user. And they’ll check that email and you’ll see an open rate there and you’ll see them click on something and then adapting your strategy based on the interactions that you’re having with that.


Jason: Okay. In addition to that, or even just the, getting them on the phone, what do you see the most successful companies doing? So they’ve, they’ve got a great strategy. They’re approaching people in different ways. They’re getting people actually on the phone. Is there anything else that you see that like the winners that you deal with?

[00:19:21] Like, it’s clear why they’re. Yes, I


Katie: think it’s, in my opinion, it’s clear when they’re winning, when you have the, um, the capabilities to analyze your data and optimize. So if you could be using SMS email phone, you built out this whole strategy, but if you just run with that for the whole year, and you’re not looking at the data to then take it back to auction and improve what you’re buying, you’re not going to stay on top.

[00:19:46] So if you’re able to take. What you’ve learned from the data combined, you know what you’re doing on your remarketing flow, with what you’re buying and change your filters, change your bids, look at your conversion rates and, you know, adjust accordingly. I think that’s what we see the most successful clients doing.


Jason: Where do you see these industries going longterm? Right. Well, let’s say into next year, 20, 22, like, have you guys looked at that far out or have you seen trends? Cause you’ve been in this vertical space for a long time where you’re looking like, okay, like here’s where it’s going to go and evolution with the consumers or an evolution with the marketing.


Katie: I think, um, as far as what buyers and call centers are purchasing, um, in the past few years, there’s been a definite increase in people purchasing warm transfer calls. So someone else is dialing out on the data leads for you. Maybe asking that consumer a few questions and then transferring it over to your call center.

[00:20:49] I’ve heard some frustrations with that, you know, one there’s rightfully. So there’s going to be a markup on someone else doing that job for you. So the pricing there is a bit high. Then there’s also compliance issues because if you’re not getting a data post with that call, you don’t have any information on what that consumer journey looked like until it got to you.

[00:21:09] So I think more and more companies are thinking, okay, if I can figure out a way myself to contact these consumers, I cut. The additional margin that they might be taking. I have a clear picture on the consumer journey. I cut down on the drop-off rate between, you know, whoever transfer that call to me, cut down the consumer time on the phone.

[00:21:31] You know, a lot of times when you get a warm transfer and I remember this from my experience managing, um, our traffic. You know, or a previous call center I worked with we’d get warm transfers. And by the time you get the consumer, they’re just angry. They’ve gone through six runners before they got to you and they are, you know, that’s not a good consumer experience.

[00:21:51] Um, so I think as more information is out in the industry about how to dial remarketing strategies, what you could do internally, I think more and more people will try to cut down on the warm transfers and purchase the data.


Jason: Interesting. And I think that really comes down to the capacity of an organization, the maturity of the organization, and then that whole build versus buy.

[00:22:14] Right. Do I build this in house where I have the fronters or the outbound team or whatever, and I put the technology in place and I have everything running and I’m going to build that so that I can manage it and I can control it and own it. Or am I buying that? And I’m buying that warm transfer or that person who’s already been set up for the call and where it makes sense.

[00:22:36] And what I’ve seen with a lot of organizations is they might start with the buying side. I mean, yes, it’s more expensive, but it’s being done and they can just buy that result instead of worrying about what it takes. And then generally, most organizations get to the point where it’s like, okay, more control and more profitable.

[00:22:55] If we bring this in house. When we’re ready, just because it’s two, two different models, for


Katie: sure. Definitely. With, with your experience in training sales teams, do you see frustration from the sales team’s perspective when they’re used to having, you know, calls maybe served up to them through a warm transfer and then, you know, they hear up, things are changing.

[00:23:15] You know, you’re going to be the first person this consumer talks to. Is that tough to adjust?


Jason: It’s always tough because in my experience, it’s two different types of conversations and it’s two different approaches. And the challenge is, is, is that person capable of doing that switch and having a different kind of conversation and are they willing to do it?

[00:23:39] Because in the question you ask and looking at that where a warm transfer has been warmed up, it’s been pre-qualified, it’s gotten over to a person who’s now the expert and they’re going to have. Then there’s a little different control that’s in place. When I am dialing out on somebody who filled out a form and I’m trying to get their attention and I’m trying to get their interest and then keep them engaged long enough to see if it makes sense.

[00:24:02] That’s usually a faster tempo and I’ve just got to be way more effective. Because that person hasn’t been warmed up. Same thing when I’ve run campaigns in the past, which had been like direct mail, which is completely different than this conversation. But when somebody calls off of direct mail, then they’re really interested and it’s a totally different tone.

[00:24:23] Um, and most salespeople struggle with doing those even within the same day of managing different call types and different sources because they’re different things. Um, and then that switch can be difficult for sure.


Katie: Definitely. And then I think that, you know, another issue that I see in, especially in Medicare, I’m hearing, um, the issue of, you know, direct mail made me think of retention rates.

[00:24:46] So a lot of these consumers, their information is whether they’re filling out multiple lead forms or so I think that’s one piece of it. They’re filling out multiple lead forms. The second is you might have not bought that lead exclusively. So it’s shared and you know, so many companies are calling it and then yeah.

[00:25:02] You know, there always has to be a piece of you’re buying insurance through the phone. So you don’t have a personal relationship like you did in the old days with that insurance agent. Um, so I see companies saying, you know, why is there such turnover on my retention rate? Why can’t I keep these consumers longer?

[00:25:19] And you know, what can I do to help with that?


Jason: Yeah, I could totally see that. I mean, anytime you’re buying leads, Of any type. I mean, other than somebody, you know, that you let’s say direct mail, or you generated yourself through your own properties, then that’s exclusive. Otherwise you just have to assume that you’re competing.

[00:25:41] And even with that being said, I know companies where it’s their own property, they’re generating it through their own landing page, but that consumer is Googling and then filling out a bunch of forms. So it might be exclusive to you. But you can’t assume that they’re not playing the field with everybody.

[00:25:58] And yeah, I mean, that’s a big challenge is that retention and it’s exceptionally challenging when salespeople are just selling in the moment and the company isn’t mitigating that either with building the relationship with the follow-up to ensure the stickiness of that consumer. For the verticals you’re dealing with.

[00:26:17] That’s like, uh, it’s you want that person long-term in order for that to be a profitable sale. And so you have to ensure that they don’t leave you versus you mentioned mortgage, right? Like if I help you get a mortgage, I don’t have to worry next month after we closed the deal that you’re going to go get a different mortgage for somebody else.

[00:26:36] Like that’s not generally a thing unless rates drop. And so. I can tell you once and not have to worry about it for years versus what you’re talking about. And that’s a completely different retention game for sure.


Katie: Right? And one way I’m seeing people adjust to that is historically, nobody’s wanting to buy duplicates.

[00:26:53] They already have the consumer, you know, in their database. They’re not going to bid on that lead or they’re going to post reject it. Now I’m seeing a bit of a shift where people are changing their mindset because of retention rates and say, Okay. If it’s a consumer, I already bought like a lead in my system that I’ve sold to them actually might consider bidding up because I don’t want them to go and talk to a different call center and then get flipped.

[00:27:16] So I’m essentially buying the same consumer twice to improve my retention rate because I already have them on my page.


Jason: So, what you’re saying is that I already have this consumer, I already have John Smith. I sold him, let’s say insurance. Right? And so I sold them insurance three months ago and then John Smith just popped up again because he filled out a form.

[00:27:36] And then now he’s a new lead in the system and I would want to buy him because I essentially want to take him off the market so that my competitors don’t get right.


Katie: Exactly and bringing back in those trusted form data insights. One of those is lead age. So if you’re partnering and looking at the insights, you might say, I can see John Smith actually did fill out another form four minutes ago.

[00:27:59] Why is he shopping? Maybe he’s not happy. So maybe we get him on the phone. We buy that lead and we route it to customer service instead of sales or the retention team, or, you know, you name it. But the value of that consumer is way more than the seven or $8 you might’ve won.


Jason: Yeah, because if you lose that client, especially like I said, and what we know is that if the lifetime value and the let’s say the break even point is several months or longer of somebody who needs to be a client before, you know, everything is recouped from marketing to sales commissions overhead.

[00:28:33] Yeah. You don’t want to lose that person. You’d rather spend a little bit to just insure now, obviously what that is assuming. Is that that lead is exclusive, which goes back into the exclusive part, right? It’s like if that’s John Smith and you only filled out the one form and that company is only selling it to me.

[00:28:49] Then that makes sense, but even not right, even if I just assume it’s not exclusive. And I assume John Smith has filled out nine other forms and is about to get a thousand phone calls from all of my competitors. It still would help me is what you’re saying, then know, and trigger it. It’s basically just an alarm that would go off and say, This dude, shopping, someone needs to go save him and talk him out of it.


Katie: And you got to think too, you know, one, you have faith in your own reps and your agency that, you know, you’re going to win out against nine other people. But one thing you have on your side is it has to be easier to stay this way. You know, going through the process with another company has to be challenging and maybe they’re getting blown up nine times by all these other different partners, but you have their email, you have their phone, you know, if you can reach out to them and say, you know, we are your existing insurance provider, we’re here.

[00:29:40] If you’re having issues, here’s our direct customer service line, things like that to try to bring them back.


Jason: Yeah, just go over the top if you haven’t already. And then I think what would be interesting too, going back to your metrics and data and looking at an analyzing what’s working. I could see, like, if I was involved in something like, this is how often is this happening?

[00:30:00] What percentage of our portfolio is doing this? Is it rare or is this a constant thing? And do we need to adjust our sales process, our customer service, the expectations, like what could we do to make sure our people are. Dating around on us. Right? Like how do we share, you know, get people to feel like they’re married and not dating.

[00:30:20] Right? Yeah. I love it. Well, I think that’s fascinating. It’s something I hadn’t thought about, which is, you know, most of the time in the industry, you don’t want to implicate. It’s like, it’s frustrating to repurchase the same people, especially if you haven’t closed them yet, but if you’ve already closed them, then you want to make sure that doesn’t happen.

[00:30:39] I really like that insight and, you know, obviously for organizations where that makes sense and where.


Katie: Yeah, I agree. It could only help you with


Jason: say it seems like it, especially if you know how to capitalize on it. So, well, I appreciate you being here. Thank you for sharing all of this, especially from this vertical one, like I said, in the beginning, and like we talked before we even started.

[00:31:01] This is fascinating for me because there’s general service providers, there’s call centers that do things. And then there’s the fact that it gets you within this organization focused on this vertical, which I think is awesome. I know that if people want to find out more, they can go to active prospect.com.

[00:31:17] I also know that you’re on LinkedIn. So Katie. F E E N E Y. So they can find you on there. Any other interesting content or any of the places where people could go to either learn more about you or reach out to you or.


Katie: Act prospect also has a blog open to the public. So it’s community.active prospect.com.

[00:31:39] There’s tons of great resources on there. Not only about active prospect solutions, but compliance topics in general, any new regulation or ruling, um, as well as just industry specific stuff as well. So if you’re ever looking for information on the lead generation space, both vendors and buyers, there’s a lot of good stuff there and you can search just like you wouldn’t.


Jason: Well, and I think that’s great because there is a ton of compliance stuff going on. As of the date, we’re recording this, there’s constantly compliance stuff, TCPA and state specific, like you mentioned early on. So that’s awesome to have a source where things are in one place. Again, Katie, thanks for joining and sharing all that info with us.

[00:32:21] I appreciate it. And thanks for.


Katie: Yeah, thank you for having me. It was a lot of fun first podcast.


Jason: Awesome.

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